PerfectPrime AR1890 空気圧マノメーター
PerfectPrime AR1890 空気圧マノメーター
今日、PerfectPrimeの技術者は、気圧関連の問題を測定、分析、および診断するための簡単なソリューションに対するビジョンを持っています。私たちのチームは、専門のツール、使い勝手が悪く、高価な機器に頼ることなく、正確で信頼性の高い製品を作成することを目標にしています。 AR1890気圧マノメーターは、高精度で広い測定範囲を提供し、比較が必要な場合に備えて、大きくて読みやすい表示画面を提供します。また、最も必要なものに合わせて複数の測定ユニットがあります。
測定範囲±13.79kPa /±2psi /±55.4H2O、高精度±0.3%フルスケール
相対タイムスタンプ付きのMAX / MIN / AVG値

Great Product, Great Price
Great product!!! Exactly how I like it
I needed an air pressure meter to measure the pressure of my gas supply for a new fire pit that I had installed. Although this particular meter can also measure differential, I only used it to measure a single source. The measurement in inches of water (also called water column) was easily obtained. I first connected the included tubing and connector to the left input connector and recorded a negative reading. I then moved the tubing to the right input connector and recorded the same reading, but this time as a positive value. They are not marked and the instructions don't specify which input is positive or negative. Easy enough to figure out though. I'm glad I chose this unit as it proved to be more accurate compared to reviewing a measurement on a mechanical dial.
Use this meter daily as I am an HVAC service technician. Works great, fits nicely in my tool bag without taking up a lot of space. It comes with hoses and adapter that fit nicely in included pouch. Only problem they didn't remember to pack the battery's . But I can't complain since I was replacing a much more expensive larger brand that was broken. I really like this one better just wish it had a magnet mount built in.
As advertised!