aspara™ 自然 AS1001WH 水耕栽培スマート栽培者
aspara™ 自然 AS1001WH 水耕栽培スマート栽培者
クリックしてください ここ シードキットを表示するには
- 特許出願中のLEDシステム
- 15の異なる植物のための30のプリセットライトプログラム
- 完全に自動化された中央給水システム
- スマートセンサー:最新のテクノロジーを利用して、センサーは最適な成長条件について環境を監視します
- 自動給水システム:特殊なエブアンドフロー技術を使用して、植物に通気し、栄養上のニーズに対応します
- 土壌がなく清潔:一年中いつでも農産物を植え、5倍速く成長するのを見る従来の方法
- アプリ制御:手動またはアプリを介して成長プログラムを管理し、種子/植物の進捗状況を即座に更新します
- LEDライトの強度:300umolm-2s-1 max
- 水容量:0.79ガロン(3リットル)
- 給水システム:自動給水システム(独自の逆引き潮と流れの技術を使用)
- 強度とスペクトルの両方で調整可能で、さまざまな成長段階でさまざまな植物のニーズに対応します。
幅:21.0インチ(53.34 cm)
- 奥行き:13.1インチ(33.27 cm)
- 高さ:14.4インチ(36.58 cm)
- 動作電圧:AC 100-240V 50 / 60Hz
- ワイヤレス:Wi-Fi 802.11nWi-Fiワイヤレスネットワーク。 IEEE 802.11b / g / n互換
- 認定:cETLSusコンプライアンステスト(進行中)CEコンプライアンステスト(進行中)
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Updated both app and firmware. All issues are now resolved. Thank you for your fast response. Very nice product and exceptional service.
After initial problem in setting up and downloading of the latest App, My Aspara is working very well. Today is my 5th day using and the seeds start to germinate by Day 3. The creator has done well in designing and building this grower. The build is sold and certainly will be conversational piece when friends come over to my place. Worth the wait!!
This one of a kind machine can easily grow a variety of vegetables or plants while I am being busy with other things. I can easily make sure that it is in good weather condition and under lightings that helps them grow faster and healthier. Aspara has an easy to use function that helps me do my planting hobbies while being away, whether I’m at the office or out shopping. The app control makes it convenient for me and I know I will be having a healthy dinner every time it is ready to harvest. With its minimalistic, clean design it also made my kitchen look more appealing to the eye.
I am able to grow a large variety of seeds, whether from aspara’s seed kit or my own. It may seem intimidating at first with all the equipment and work involved, but it all seems simple enough once you get the hang of the basics. Start small, keep it simple, and these hydroponic system will never cease to amaze me! Growing with hydroponics comes with many advantages, the biggest of which is the greatly increased rate of growth in my plants. With the proper setup, my plants will mature up to 25% faster and produce up to 30% more than the same plants grown in soil, which was the method I used before.
Looking forward to growing newer and more kinds of vegetables in the future.
I really like it. My kid keeps playing and staring at it the whole time. Hooray, germination starts within 5 days.
Just finished setting up this lovely indoor planting device a couple days ago and now I have more incentives to eat more vegetables. Extremely excited and can’t wait to see my veggies bloom. Looking forward to using the freshly grown veggies with my family to add to our current meals. Eating your own indoor plants and knowing it grows in your kitchen, in a perfect lighting, temperature and the right amount of water puts your mind at rest. Making the impossible possible with this device that has so far exceeded my expectations. Not only willing I be able to eat more vegetables, but just having these plants in my kitchen makes the place look cleaner, neater and easier to breathe. Taking innovation on planting from my old backyard to this made my traditional way much easier while I do my work and other stuff, that's the price I can live with.