PerfectPrime TC9815 4チャンネル熱電対温度計
PerfectPrime TC9815 4チャンネル熱電対温度計
PerfectPrime Kタイプ熱電対温度計-TC9815は、4チャンネルのデジタルインテリジェントセンシング温度計です。温度計は、正確で信頼性の高い温度結果で、一度に4つの異なるリアルタイム読み取りを行うことができます。温度計の主な目的は、ユーザーフレンドリーで、自宅ですばやく簡単に測定できるツールとしてだけでなく、ラボやフィールドワークに最適なツールとして使用できる製品を構築することでした。チームは、ユーザーフレンドリーでありながら高速で正確な結果を提供するように温度計を設計しました。これにより、プローブからクロコダイルクリップ、クランプに至るまで、さまざまな交換可能なKタイプのコンポーネントが開発され、手の届きにくい場所にアクセスできるようになりました。
1. 4 XKタイプ熱電対温度測定スロット
2. バックライト付きLCDディスプレイ
3. 最大/最小/平均値が保持されます
4. 選択可能な温度単位°C; °FまたはK
5. 10分以内に操作なしで自動電源オフ
> - 100°C (-148°F) : ± 1°C (± 1.8°F)
< - 100°C (-148°F) : ± 2°C (± 3.6°F)Kタイプ温度分解能:
< 1000°C : 0.1°C/°F / K
> 1000°C : 1°C/°F / K寸法:7.87x3.35x1.78 (200*85*38mm)
重さ:8.11 Ounce (230g)
この製品には、4 x 90 cm Kタイプ熱電対プローブ(-30〜300°C)とオプションのパイプクランプが含まれています
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Got 4 units and they were showing 5 degree variation w.r.t reference.Tried to calibrate them again but it could not go into calibration window.I lost my customer faith,money and lots of time.Perfect prime suggested me a costly unit with discount but what about the money i lost.Not at all happy.They should have calibrated it before dispatching the units.
I got this for my husband and he's for the most part very happy with the product. It did not come with any instructions but they can be downloaded. There is a PDF file under the Technical Specification section on the product page. We were also able to find some help with some videos online. He says it works as it is supposed too. It takes a 9V battery that is not included (it would be nice if it was). It has 4 separate probes with 4 different read outs for each corresponding probe. The product is a great deal and this saved my husband hundreds because he almost bought a different one for much more.
I received this product at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. All opinions are 100% my own. Thanks for taking the time to read my review.
My husband wanted me to get this for him... I did... He waited for the "right time" to use it. Our air-conditioning has had some issues and we had to have the repair man here 3 separate times. My husband was confident he knew how to use this without a manual (since it came with no manual or instructions of any kind.) he verified his use with the repairman. The digital thermometer is "pretty accurate" according to the air conditioner repairman. He showed my husband his readings and how they compared with his high end "very expensive" equipment. He was "impressed". Especially for the price. That being said... you need to know a little something about this tool. There is no manual and it's not something everyone can just figure out. It is "pretty accurate" ... so not 100%... neither one remembered how far off the meter was... all I got when I asked was a "Close enough"... LOL... So in mans terms ... I guess it does the job. If you need something ON THE DOT ACCURATE? "Close Enough" may not be "close enough". I am rating it based on the price of the tool and how impressed the man was at how good it was for the price in comparison to his equipment. If I was schooled on it properly... I might not rely on his opinion so much. Hopefully I am steering you right!... My husband only used it 4 times so far... twice with the repairman and 2 times with a tool guy friend... It's all the gadget he needs. I wouldn't want to pay for something very expensive for him to use it only...............
This digital thermometer is a great deal for it's capability and features. This unit can easily do what a multi hundred dollar unit can for a fraction of the price. The thermometer and thermocouples arrived well packaged and damage free. Unfortunately this thermometer doesn't come with a carrying case, but for the price this is definitely not an issue.
TIP:Some reviewers have mentioned the lack of user's manual. The user manual is in a PDF file listed in the technical specs of this listing! Be sure to download this so that you are able to use this item to it's fullest extent.
All of the features are easy to use and a quick glance through the PDF user manual on the technical specs of this listing will give you a good working knowledge of this digital thermometer. Be sure to note which sides of the thermocouple poles are positive and negative, they are marked. Someone else here suggested the use of a marker so that it is obvious which is which at a glance. Definitely a good tip.
I routinely use this thermometer for smoking meats and also keeping track of the temperature of electronic components and chips while working on computers etc. This is an incredibly versatile unit with almost limitless applications. I purchased a two channel k-type a few years ago and paid well over twice what this unit goes for. This is an incredible deal!
Again, please search the page for the user's manual. This will be a great help for you and keep the seller from being barraged..................
This thermometer is exactly what I needed. I have 3D printers and there are a lot of different temperatures I need to monitor in order to get the best print possible. This digital thermometer comes with 4 probes for measuring many temperatures at once. It's really fast and accurate as well.
The thermometer can do Kelvin, Celcius, or Ferenheit. It also has a hold feature and an average option. It's really nice and works perfectly for me. It also has a backlit screen for working in dark spaces.
I received this at a discounted price in order to review it.