Thanks to the thermal camera, Grabber School in St. Louis, Missouri is grabbing headlines once again. Heeding an advisory from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), Grabber School of Hair Design has successfully opened classes starting June 1 - deploying infrared camera detectors in each of its 3 campus entrances to screen every visitor.
As the rest of America’s educational institutions are still sitting on the fence whether to start classes or not, the school famous for its 40-year devotion to imparting beauty is taking the COVID-19 pandemic in stride. Growing in leaps and bounds in the process.
Luckily, making the most out of thermal imaging technology these days need not be such an uphill climb for you. And never should be. With PerfectPrime’s IR0280H thermal camera at your beck and call, you have your checklist pretty much covered. That's right. Your institution could do a Grabber. And fast.
Take note -The best part of PerfectPrime’s IR0280H thermal camera with its unparalleled 0.3°C (0.6°F) accuracy isn’t just its ground-breaking technology, but also its affordable price tag. Truth be told, this could be yours without breaking the bank.
Grabber School: Getting Ahead of the Pack Despite the Odds!
Now for some good news.
If you think your business is helpless right now, think again. Amidst all the cases of shops closing left and right choked by the pandemic, Grabber School has managed to pull things through and successfully open. Armed with thorough attention to detail and a lot of grit.
Focused on preventing the viral disease from setting foot in its premises, the Missouri school noted for its years of dedication on teaching cosmetology (e.g., hair care, nail care) and providing salon and spa treatments to the public has reopened on the first day of June installing contingency measures to minimize risks to the utmost.
Its first course of action? Deploying thermal imaging technology on each of the school’s 3 entrances. Taking its cue from the FDA.
From the looks of it, it worked. The business may not be in full swing but it’s coming together as planned. Among its milestones:
- June 1: School successfully welcomed students and staff.
- June 8: School opened its spa and salon services to the public.
The beauty school’s relentless drive to do business is confirmed by its Executive Officer Cara Melgo saying: “We were determined to reopen with precautions in place for the health and safety of the people we serve and those we employ.”
Moreover, its preventive measures are stringent. To say the least. Among these are:
- Everyone must go through thermal camera screening.
- All thermal camera data is stored and interpreted by computer software.
- Staff members are automatically alerted once persons with above-normal temperatures are spotted.
- The magic number is 100.4 °F (38 °C): Visitors registering such temperature on the scanner are discreetly informed and further tested with a hand-held scanner.
Then again, the school made sure COVID-19 protocols are observed to the letter. Thus, classes are still in a limited capacity with an enhanced teacher-to-student ratio.
Additionally, bookings on the clinic floor (i.e., salon and spa) are by appointment only with walk-ins largely discouraged. For now.
Of course, Grabber took its cue from the FDA which underscored the untold value of thermal imaging technology in these times, determining possible illness at a distance with no contact whatsoever. As stipulated on its website:
PerfectPrime’s IR0280H: A Thermal Camera Fit for the Job
Not every thermal camera is created equal. That should be clear right from the start. If anything, old-school product offerings are still making the rounds today - presented as timely solutions to a world ravaged by a vaccine-less deadly virus that’s affected millions. It’s paramount therefore that you be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and determine which one best fits your needs. Most importantly, your customers.
Here are 3 ways PerfectPrime’s IR0280H thermal camera is breaking the mold and leaving the rest in the dust. In doing so, giving your clientele the technology they deserve to stay safe and protected in this time of need. In short, putting your business first.
- State-of-the-art fever-testing capacity
It’s easy to settle for the first thermal camera product offering you set your eyes on the market today. But buyer beware. Old-school thermal cameras were designed before anyone ever heard of a virus that can infect millions of people from all over the planet in matter of months.
Yup. You heard that right. And it only means you can’t have a one-size-fits-all solution to the problem at hand. In other words,
to increase your chances of providing solutions to the problems brought by this COVID-19 crisis you must employ tools designed for the specific task you’re facing.
While any thermal imaging technology worth its name in salt may be able to give you body temperature from a distance, getting an accurate assessment is another thing altogether.
Right from the get-go, know that most infrared cameras available today provide an almost-universal accuracy of 0.2°C. That might be useful for pre-coronavirus times but not today.
For its part, the IR0280H isn’t just any run-of-the-mill thermal camera of long ago. For the record, this infrared technology carries a 0.3°C (0.6°F) accuracy thermal imaging capacity. A world first.
And that can only mean the nifty infrared camera from PerfectPrime is a degree more accurate than most.
Now, think about it. The choice is yours.
Would you rather put your faith in technology that’s been used decades ago (and nearly obsolete) or would you give your dearly beloved customers a more accurate way to protect them?
- Social distancing at its finest.

You can’t put too much emphasis on keeping distance these days. The government’s stay-at-home orders are proof of that.
It goes without saying that keeping people at arm’s length or more is the way to go. For everybody’s welfare. The weak and the afflicted all the more.
And then again, this is where PerfectPrime’s IR0280H is setting itself apart from the rest of the pack. Driving the message home better than most.
Speaking of distance:
- 3 meters away - Distance the IR0280H can still detect temperature effectively.
Indeed, that certainly is leaving a lot of the competition behind. In comparison, conventional non-contact thermometers detect the human temperature at a measly 50 mm (5cm) away.
Using traditional means is certainly a long shot.
But that’s not all. No sir.
PerfectPrime’s IR0280H is giving you greater options when it comes to the mode of use.
You can carry it just about anywhere you want as a handy lightweight device.
Alternatively, you can have it stand guard on your establishment’s entrances. This thermal is equipped with a tripod mount hole for easy setup.
- Mindblowing price tag.
Lest we forget, PerfectPrime’s IR0280H is one you can afford. You might fall into the trap of thinking that it would make you part with a sizable portion of your hard-earned dollars. Definitely not.
Even with all its bells and whistles, the sturdy product is jaw-droppingly affordable. And like always, through and through PerfectPrime has been solid about its promise for its brand: Quality within reach.
That can only mean you can have more of these when you need to. To be precise, where you need to. Keeping all your gates taken care of. So your business can move along as planned.
Thus like Grabber School in St. Louis, Missouri, take courage. Know that as soon as you want to get your house in order, this thermal camera is ready when you are.
Why Should You use IR0280H Thermal Camera